Commonwealth Fleet

The Commonwealth is a multi-ethnic federation of several more or less independent factions. The Commonwealth is among the largest, most advanced, and most powerful factions in space. They are fiercely egalitarian, with a society based around equal rights for all. However they are also aggressively militaristic, and more then willing to use force to achieve their goals. This has put them at odds with most of the other local factions.

The central power of the Commonwealth are the Kenoans, a race of “near human” humanoids with feline features. The Kenoan military and Kenoan technology is the backbone of the Commonwealth’s fleets, with most Commonwealth powers using ships license built or outright purchased from Kenoan shipyards. What makes the Kenoan military unique is the ability, and will, to miniaturize FTL drives. This allows them not only to build FTL fighters, but FTL cruise missiles as well, allowing Kenoans to launch strikes from dozens of lightyears away.